Last year I joined friends Steve and Eileen at the Worthington Farmers' Winter Market (they were kind enough to share a spot). While Steve sold his delicious cookies and pies (and yummy cinnamon rolls), Eileen and I spun our wool, sold a few knitted items and yarn, and chatted with passers-by. Today the winter market kicks off and we are trying it again. I have in the meantime, sort of created a new business - Fern's Fiber Studio - and with the help of Sue Iseman, my inventory has increased greatly. More on Fern's later. Unfortunately it is a nasty day weather-wise, so who knows how many people will turn out for the market. If you happen to be in Worthington, stop by at the Griswold Center on High St. If you can't make it today, the next market will be on December 13 and then every Saturday after the first of the year.