Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Big E - 2014


We had another enjoyable time at the Big E in West Springfield, Massachusetts. This year we took ten sheep and had a lot of success!

  • In the ram show we had the second yearling ram and the second senior ram lamb. 
  • Our pair of ram lambs were second.
  •  The first place junior ram lamb, which was also the reserve champion, was out of a ZNK ram Barbara Thompson had purchased from us.
  • We won first and second in the yearling ewe class and second and third in the senior ewe lamb class.
  • The yearlings won the pair of yearling ewes and the lambs were second in the pair of lambs class.
  • We had champion and reserve champion ewes.
  • We won Breeder and Exhibitor Flocks, Get of Sire, Best Fleece, and Best Headed female.
  • To top it all off, we won Premier Breeder and Exhibitor.
  • In the final all-breeds fleece competition, we were pulled out in the top four.
Of course, the Big E is not all work and showing sheep. We had a great time reconnecting with other sheep breeders from all over. We especially enjoyed hanging out with Lydia and Hannah Smith from Vermont. 

Best Headed Ewe

Reserve Champion Yearling
Breeder and Exhibitor Flock
Champion Yearling and Best Fleece

See you at the NAILE in November in Louisville!