Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fleece at Wooster

We made it to Wooster. It was great to catch up with new friends we have made through the border leicester connection. The Koeppels from Ann Arbor were there and did very well in the sheep show and won the fleece competitions. We saw Barbara Thompson and her daughter's family (Seldom Seen Farm) from Rhode Island, and of course the Fogles from Raymond, who have been very supportive. The people are all so nice and helpful - a great community.

Jerry had hoped to buy a new black ewe lamb, but he didn't see what he wanted, so decided to wait it out. We did show 2 fleeces for judging. The white one was too short (Jerry gets carried away with trimming), but it did sell! The black ram's fleece (see picture) ended up in second place - I guess he was a good buy! I brought that fleece home. By the way, we decided to name him Othello.

The Wooster show had a good turnout with many vendors - gets bigger and better every year. I got many ideas to try out in Fern's Fiber Studio for fall open houses and the market.

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